BNBgoodies is the place for one-stop shopping of luxury guest toiletries -- with the same quality lines featured in upscale hotels and stylish retreats.
You may find less expensive toiletries lines but these are not premium products that reflect well on high quality properties -- they are generic formulations geared to budget properties. Which is fine if you're a budget property!
But if you're not and you want to provide the best, then you need quality products that reflect your level of sophistication and taste -- and that of your guests too! We supply leading properties on AirBNB, Home Away, RoomORama, VRBO, Wimdu, RoomOrama, FlipKey, TripAdvisor and more…! Adding a true touch of style to hosts and homes that set the bar and which have been featured in top lifestyle publications and leading travel blogs including Glamour, Blackbook, Sunset, OUT Traveler, Fodors, Lonely Planet, LUXE, 944, S.F.Gate, The Hedonists Guide, Complex, Angeleno, Ingenue, Neiman Marcus' In Circle and more.
We'd love to work with you too and help your property be
s p e c t a c u l a r !